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Invite your peers

to experience Golden. Get started by completing our form.

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Get rewarded

for each peer who selects Golden as their new volunteer management platform! 

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They get rewards, too,

when they invite their own peers to
try Golden!

What is the Golden Referral Program?

Selecting a new volunteer management platform can be challenging – but hearing from a trusted peer about their experience makes the decision easier.

By referring Golden to peers in your network, you'll be eligible to receive up to a $500 gift card! 

After you refer a peer to Golden, our team will contact them to start a conversation on how to transform their volunteers into lifelong supporters. We will then contact you regarding your referral reward!

Refer a Peer!

Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time without notice and in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, and conflict-of-interest policies.
